Yearbook Introduction

25 things that should be in every yearbook.
1 Class year
2 A table of contents
3 The same text through out the book
4 You can tell what the theme is through out the book
5 The number of students in the school
6 Club pictures
7 page numbers
9 the school name
10 subject dividers
11 color
12 stories
13 colophon 
14 photo credits
15 info about the school
16 photos of yearbook staff
17 state name
18 sport section 
19 titles for each spread
20 senior adds
21 school staff pictures
22 pep rallys
23 fine arts section
24 most likely to...
25 index
The title is You Are Here.
From Akins Highschool.
There are a lot of different colored lines in text or behind, this is carried through out the book.
There are 6 sections.
My favorite spread is the'Diamonds, strong forever' spread pg38-39.
There is an index.
There are club and organizations photos in the back of the book.
There is a small table of contents.
It does not say the number of students. 
This book is from Texas.


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