Painting Recreation

Where is the light coming from?
The light is coming from behind, the sun is setting.
How can you duplicate that light?
I can use the sun, at sunset.
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate?
The sunset and the bridge and maybe the people in the back.
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
The painter is kinda at an upward glance.
What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting?
A black article of clothing would be needed.
Who would be a good model?
I could use anyone as a model because in the picture its an alien type dude.
List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
The river in the back and the bridge. My model would need to hold their hand to their face and look shocked. While wearing black clothing.
What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?
Getting the sun setting will be hard, and finding the right spot to take the picture will be hard as well. I think also getting the upward angle might be hard.

Where is the light coming from?
The light is directly on the model.
How can you duplicate that light?
In the studio, with the studio lights.
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate?
I would need ice cream and get the hair style right
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
The painting is an image straight on.
What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting?
A colorful swimsuit would be needed.
Who would be a good model?
My friend Riley would be a good model, she has long dark drown hair.
List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
My model would need to be sitting on the ground holding ice cream, in a colorful swimsuit. She would need to be holding ice cream with a half up half down hair style.
What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?
I think that finding the right swimsuit will be hard, along with getting the hair right, and getting the light similar.

Where is the light coming from?
The light is coming from directly on.
How can you duplicate that light?
I can duplicate the light with a flash.
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate?
The lipstick, maybe.
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
The painter is directly in front of them.
What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting?
A poke-dot shirt is needed.
Who would be a good model?
A good model would be anyone with dark hair.
List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
I would need my model to be towards the camera, with a poke-dot shirt and the hair in a bun. Just looking at the camera with their hands by their sides.
What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?
Something that will be hard to duplicate will be the yellow wall.
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