My Opinions Story

 Homework is a topic that has been widely argued for a long time. Students and some teachers think that homework is unnecessary and ineffective. I believe that is not a necessity for students to do on their own time in order to succeed.

   After school work usually becomes more time consuming as students progress in the education system. Homework seems to become harder in high school. High school is when many students start working at jobs also. In a survey taken around 2007, around 50% of students in grades 3-12 spend at least and hour to three hours on everyday homework after school. The numbers may have increased. A lot of people say that there is plenty of time after school to complete work and get a decent amount of sleep, but what about work? I know several older peers who go to jobs after school where they spend hours. By the time they get home to the time they go to bed, they may not have enough time to complete their work, or at least not very well.

  Another complication with homework is sleep. In a survey taken by the Nationwide Children's Hospital, they found that adolescents usually go to bed around 9:00pm to 11:00pm. I usually go to bed around 12:00pm because I have homework that I need to do.But like most high schooler I know, I need to sleep in order to function well. Most high schools in let out around 4:00pm so thats only 5 hours after school not counting after school extra curricular and jobs. I get out at 4:30pm but don't get home until 5:10pm. Thats not even counting after school activities. Homework can disturb sleep. If students are furiously working for hours on end on homework, how will they maintain a sleep schedule? I have stayed up until 4:00am just this past week in order to finish homework. Between the time that you get home and usually go to bed, thats not a lot of time to finish work.

  Not only does homework effect sleep, but it brings stress. Many students get unnecessary homework that brings stress in worrying why they can no figure out a subject. Many people would object and say that homework helps to train the brain on a subject. Homework, or "practice", only brings unneeded stress to students. a lot of homework may also be just busywork, or extra grades that a teacher needs to enter. The stress over homework is totally unnecessary. My teachers sometimes just look over my hard work and just give me an A, even though I probably missed half the problems. Not to mention, homework can easily be copied from one student to the next, so how do teachers even know if their homework is helping the student understand the topic?

  Homework can easily be solved by not having it. If teachers could just incorporate more in class work instead of homework, there would be happier students. Teachers could even offer a study time during class to complete actual practice. The only exception that allows homework, I believe, is work that isn't finished because of unfocused students or major projects, not silly single sheet math problems from the textbook.

  Homework is unimportant to students who need to be focusing on other things. I think that it is also an unnecessary incorporation into kid's after school life which is already probably full of other tasks.


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