Aperture, Shutter speed, ISO

Photo taken with F 2.8
Photo taken with F 16

We should relate this photo with the eyes and the ways that it takes in light.
The smaller the aperture the larger the F stop the larger the aperture the smaller the F stop.
Aperture impacts depth of field in a way where when the aperture number is lower the background is more blurry and the focus is stronger on the subject.
Shutter Speed
Taken with high shutter speed.

Taken with slow shutter speed.
1a) I would use a high shutter speed when shooting a booth in the day.
1b) I would use a medium shutter speed when shooting in a shaded area.
1c) I would use a high shutter speed when shooting in the gym.
1d) I would use a high shutter speed when shooting in the middle of the courtyard.
1e) I would use a high shutter speed when shooting people walking in the doors.
1f) When shooting the basketball booth I would use a high shutter speed.
2a)I would use a slow shutter speed when shooting a booth in the dark.
2b)I would use a slow shutter speed when shooting under an awning.
2c)I would use a high shutter speed when shooting in the gym.
2d)When shooting people dancing I would use a high shutter speed.
2e)I would use a high shutter speed when shooting people walking through the doors.
2f) When shooting the basket ball booth at night I would use a medium shutter speed.
The three settings that you can use for shutter speed on a camera are in Auto mode, Shutter Priority mode and Manual mode.
Image result for iso 3200 photography
ISO 3200
Image result for iso 200 photography
ISO 200
1. You would want to use a higher ISO at a basketball game because then you would be able to capture more movement.
2. The author said that when you use low ISO it should be only in low lighting situations.
3. The author said that you use high ISO when there is to much light and the camera dose not have time to adjust.

DSLR Simulator

The aperture settings are; 2.8, 4. 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22.
The shutter speed settings are; from 1 second, to 1/60 second, to 1/4000.
The ISO settings are; 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400,12800,and 25600.


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